Between August and September in the southwest of Colombia, the Nasa Yuwe People celebrate the Saakhelu Kiwe Kame, the most sacred ritual of their community, a collective offering to nature that promotes its cosmogony, strengthens its connection with the earth, its traditions, and the resistance to the extractive development projects that threaten their territories.

Camilo Pachón
with Jumu Monster, Ana Cardenas and Friedrich Boell.

Saakhelu Hack is a collective interdisciplinary work in which Pachón, together with Berlin-based artist Jumu Monster, Ana Maria Contreras performer artist based in Bogotá and Friedrich Boell digital artist based in Cologne, translates the ritual practices of masquerades, the language of the body and the code; in a contemporary ritual in which KUKA -the flagship industrial robot of German industry and the technologies of contemporary extractivist civilization- pays tribute to nature, the power of the mask in its territory, and communities like NASA throughout the world resists the global development model and protects the spiritual connection between man and his ecosystems.